Taxes are scary.  I get that.  But I don't want you to feel alone or stuck where you are.  Let me tell you about myself so I can become your trusted tax advisor!

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I am not your stereotypical accountant.  I think taxes should be easy and have set out with a goal to make complex tax concepts digestable for busy business owners. I believe you should keep more of your hard-earned dollars in your own pocket and send less to Uncle Sam!  


When I first started on this journey, I had the audacious expectation for myself that I wanted to shield my clients from liability, help them save as much as legally possible on their tax bills, and be a friendly, understandable source for tax advice.

Other tax professionals thought I was crazy. 

My approach to tax work was unconventional, but my clients' results speak for themselves. 

Take Josh, one of my earliest clients who saved over $40K on his tax bill the first year we worked together.  Or Barb - my client who saved over $100K by implementing tax strategies in her business. Then there is Ben, who had over $10K returned to him from the IRS once I applied tax strategy to his situation - *retroactively*! 



Once I started this work, I was hooked! I wanted to help as many business owners as possible. But even with a team, there is just more need than I could ever hope to meet if I continued working with clients exclusively one on one. 

I decided to take these tax strategies and make them available to many, many more people by creating my Tax Strategy Membership Library.

I still work with clients to create comprehensive tax strategies and prepare returns and provide bookkeeping services.  My practice does all the things you'd expect in a traditional accounting firm.  

But we go a step further because we don't simply report your tax history once a year - we help you create your own history by strategically applying tax law!


We believe that you can spend your hard earned dollars better than any government ever could. 

We believe you deserve to have your questions answered without being afraid of getting a bill every time you dare to ask one. 

We believe that you should take an active role in your tax situation and understand as much as possible about your tax life. 

We believe that profit is a moral good and you should make more of it (not be sending it to Uncle Sam!). 

We believe that small business is the backbone of the American economy and is not only a worthy pursuit, but a necessary one if we are to retain any semblance of free speech, free markets, freedom from government intrusion, and so many other things we have come to love about America. 

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