Tax Planning Strategies for Business Owners at an Accessible Price that Yield Unbeatable Savings.

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If you’ve ever asked yourself “I wonder if I’m paying too much tax”, the answer is likely a resounding “YES”.

Did you know that American taxpayers pay more tax than they need to – to the tune of over $1Billion dollars per year?

You read that right.

This is according to the IRS who, let’s be real, probably is underestimating that number by a lot

If you’re anything like the majority of the clients that I work with, you probably can identify with the following statements and questions:

              “I want to follow the tax laws but I feel like I’m paying way too much!”

              “I wish there was a way to pay less on my taxes every year.”

              “Why do the uber wealthy pay smaller percentages of taxes than the less well-to-do?”

You probably also have a certain amount of fear, maybe even terror, of the IRS and other taxing authorities. 

Taxes can be stressful, scary, and downright disheartening.

You work hard for your money but it seems to be slipping right through your fingers every time you send a check to Uncle Sam.  Like many business owners, you may be paying the same in taxes as you do for all of your other business expenses – combined!

93% of small business owners are overpaying in taxes. 

You don’t have the sophisticated teams of tax planners working for you around the clock – looking for ways to shield your income from tax liability, new deductions that you may be eligible for, structuring your entities in the most favorable way, and generally taking advantage of the legal tax breaks, deductions and loopholes that the IRS code provides.

But there’s another layer to the problem.  

Many (dare I say, most) tax professionals are not skilled in looking for ways for you to strategically save money on taxes.  They are great at reporting the history you provide to them – telling the IRS and state agencies what happened last year.  But they rarely are looking ahead to help their clients save money next year.

As I’ve brought in new clients over the years and listened to their stories, the fear, stress and overwhelm is almost palpable in every conversation. 

Some wonder if they should even have a business at all because it seems to cost them so much in taxes. 

Many are confused and feel like something is missing but have no idea what that is. 

Others are frustrated by being told that there’s either nothing that can be done to reduce their tax bills or that the only thing available is to go buy equipment at the end of the year - equipment that they might not even really need.  

Everyone can identify what they’d rather spend their money on than taxes!

Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to have a smaller tax bill next year than you did this year.

What would you do with the extra money?  Vacation? Reinvest into your business? Expansion? Down payment on a house? Fund your retirement? The possibilities are endless!  

Side note: Now that you know that many Americans are overpaying in taxes, do you start to wonder what the federal government might be doing with all that extra cash they get?  Does it go to fund the research studies on the mating habits of South African Ground Squirrels? Or maybe it went toward the $416,000 dollars spent to maintain a self-cleaning toilet in Washington DC (a toilet that wasn’t even in working order for 2 years!)?  Wherever it’s being spent, there’s one thing that I believe with all my heart – you would spend it better! 

Now, advanced strategic tax planning is affordable and accessible for *every* small business owner with our Tax Strategy Library and Membership Community. 

Gone are the days when only the uber wealthy could afford to find every legal loophole, deduction, credit and business structuring tactic in the IRS code. 


And it will save you thousands! Maybe even tens of thousands of dollars. EVERY YEAR!

Our Library of tax planning strategies helps new business owners and established ones alike.  It covers strategies ranging from real estate to investing to hiring your family and writing off your business expenses in the best possible ways. 

These strategies are all court-tested and IRS approved

You will learn strategies that you have never heard of before. 

You will learn strategies that will make your fellow business owners jealous (until they too join our epic community!). 

You will write smaller checks to Uncle Sam and put more money back into your business or your wallet. 

You will strategically plan for your family's future and have a greater impact on your community. 

You will sleep better at night knowing that your risk of audit is substantially lower with strategic tax planning. 

You will have access to a private Facebook group where you can post your toughest tax questions, day or night, and have them answered by our team of highly qualified and skilled Tax Experts. 

You will join our monthly member calls where you can get real-time help to your tax questions.


The few tax professionals who offer premier tax planning services often charge over $4K for a full plan.  I myself routinely charge between $5K and $40K for fully comprehensive and implemented tax plans.

But I wanted to make tax planning more accessible to more business owners.  I wanted to help more people to keep more of their hard earned dollars in their own pockets! 

That's why I decided to create the Tax Strategy Library & Membership.

Now you can have access to a wide variety of ideas to implement in your business, plus access to elite tax planning experts who will guide you along your way to greater business success. 

Josh is one of my clients who was disappointed in the service he was getting from his tax professional.  He came to me to see if there was anything he could do to lower his tax bill.  

By implementing only a couple of strategies, Josh and his family reduced their tax burden by over $30,000! EVERY YEAR. 

The beauty of tax planning is that it is not a once and done thing.  Most strategies yield results year after year after year.  And, as your business profits grow, so do your savings! 

Or we can talk about Barb, who had several successful businesses and felt like she was drowning in the amount of taxes she paid.  Her CPA wasn't much help so we decided to do a full review and crafted a custom plan for Barb that ended up saving her $149,718 - again, a savings she will realize EVERY YEAR!

Finally, there's Ben.  Ben came to us to see if there was a way to lower his self-employment taxes.  With just a few strategies, some that we were able to apply to prior years, Ben got a check back from the IRS for over $10,000! 

What will your story be? 

How much will you save? 

The only thing standing between you and the ideas that could save you thousands, is the Join Now button below. 



Once you join, you will have immediate access to the following: 

  • Our entire library of over 70 legal tax strategies, deductions and loopholes.  (Valued at $5,800!)
  • Worksheets, templates, and flowcharts to help you implement these ideas in your own business FAST. (Value of $1,500!)
  • Monthly calls with our Tax Experts who will answer any questions you have about your tax situation. (Value of $225 - EVERY MONTH!)
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group where you can post your questions - day or night - and get helpful direction from our team. (Value of $225 - EVERY MONTH!)
  • Access to our recommended resources and exclusive discounts to implement every strategy in our Library. (Value of $1,200)

But the best part is that we have made all this available to you for the very first time for only $97/month! 

That's an INSANE value and an almost risk-free way to invest in your business and get a tax deduction at the same time! 

Oh! And have we mentioned - this membership is a legitimate business deduction?!?!


See you on the inside! 

Haylee Kurka, EA